Jumat, 13 Januari 2012

desa karang tengah

Orientation :
Population in desa karang tengah 1/15 is 190 peoples(48 families).  The local potency are coffee,banana,cassava,pandan.  and the education background, 100% from elementary school, 10% from junior high school, and 10% from senior high school

 Description :

Desa Karang Tengah(karang tengah village) is in the mount pancar. Desa Karang Tengah is surrounded by pine forests.  And the mount pancar is surrounded by other mountains.  Netherlands is ever attack this village, but netherlands can’t beat this village.
 In this village there is the river, they use it for theme energy.  They use waterwheel for it.  they also use solar cell for their energy.  there people’s are very creative,smart and want to cooperate.  There is still clean air,the air is free from pollution

mount pancar  
we will cross it to go desa karang tengah

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